Goose hunting

Goose hunting in Belarus

Goose hunting
Goose hunting is massive in Belarus. Hunting usually takes place:

  • in the morning: ambush from agricultural fields, where the bird comes to feed. The hunter sits in an ambush (a hut, an entrenchment or natural shelter) it is necessary to be dark while the goose to be on a place of a lodging for the night.
  • in the evening: from the ambush near the water where the bird comes for the night.
  • Venue:

    The whole territory of Belarus, depending on the movement of the bird.

    Terms and methods of hunting:

    March 9-may 12 – hunting for birds of any sex and age from the approach, from ambush, with enticement, with decoy geese, on migration.


    Modern comfortable cottages or hotels.
    Meals-full Board.
    Equipment: hides, mounts, electric decoy.
    Goose hunting