Grouse, wood grouse, woodcock shooting

Grouse, wood grouse, woodcock shooting in Belarus

Grouse, wood grouse, woodcock shooting
The classic capercailye shooting has begun the most expensive and non-typical kind of hunting. It is a real exotic for European hunters, not all of them will be able come nearer to the belling rooster song . No less fun will give you watching from the shelter belling black grouse, and at the end of its “morning performance” it is possible to make a good shot to leave there one of its members. If capercailye, like elk, is hunted more in the north part of the country, southern regions are famous for the black grouse. Morning hunting for “big” birds gives way to evening hunting, one of the easiest and most poetic. Only a good shooter can get a woodcock on traction, a shooter who confidently hitting flying targets.

Terms and methods of hunting:

Capercaillie, black grouse (on currents): March 20 – may 10 – hunting for males from the approach, from an ambush.
Woodcock (on traction): April 6 – may 12 – hunting for male woodcocks from 18 to 22 hours on traction is allowed.


Modern comfortable cottages or hotels.
Meals-full board
Grouse, wood grouse, woodcock shooting